Saturday, November 26, 2011

Free Sign 11-26

Week 9 Video

In class this week we practiced different kinds of signing. Carl started with having us practice free signing for three minutes. Next he surprised us with a challenge. We had to sign for three minutes with only one hand. It was a challenging activity. Many signs require two hands and look silly using only one. There are many times when you will only have one hand to sign with thought, so this is a very relevant activity. Next, in order to practice facial expression, Carl had us free sign with NO hands. We only used facial expressions to say what we wanted. That was the hardest part of the class. It feels silly to make facial expressions without signing. Again, facial expression is an important part of ASL so it is necessary for us to practice the skill.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Free Sign 11-19

Week 8 Video

During week eight in class we worked on classifiers. Carl passed photos out to all of the ASL 201 students. Sometimes we practice classifiers one-on-one and other times we practice as a group. When signing proper ASL, you must use classifiers; therefore it is crucial that we practice them. We worked very hard this week. Slowly I can see myself and my classmates making progress. Carl missed one class this week. Since he was not there, Erin led a study session. We all sat at a big table and practiced our vocabulary of signs. It was a fun activity and really good practice.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Free Sign 11-12

Week 7 Video

This week in ASL 201 class we worked on classifiers. Classifiers are an extremely important part of ASL grammar, thus we must practice them frequently. Carl gave all of the students in class pictures from magazines. We then practiced signing the photos to our classmates. We signed in groups and practiced signing across the room with our partners for the class period. Also, this week we practiced signing a Dr. Suess book with Carl. The book that we signed is named There’s a Wocket in My Pocket. This book had many silly creatures in it. We learned to make up descriptive name signs for the creatures that we had never seen before.