Friday, October 21, 2011

Arbitrary and Descriptive Sign Parts

Arbitrary and Descriptive Sign Parts

Every sign has an arbitrary portion as well as many possible descriptive parts. Together they make up a proper noun phrase. The arbitrary part is the portion of the sign that has no particular meaning. It is the “vocabulary” part. On the other hand the descriptive part of the sign in called a classifier. This is used in every noun phrase to further explain what is being signed.

For example:
  Classifiers are grammatical part of ASL. They are important in forming a non-fragmented phrase. The wonderful aspect of classifiers is that they are limitless. While the arbitrary sign remains the same, each person uses different classifiers to describe and explain the sign phrase. In addition, the use of classifiers can help people gain the meaning of an unfamiliar arbitrary sign without asking what it means. It can also help individuals who no nearly no ASL to understand parts of a conversation.